Aktion Mensch

is our main partner and funding organization in the project for a Center for support of relatives/family members caring for young people with multiple disabilities in the municipality of Aksakovo, Bulgaria.

Aktion Mensch supports numerous social projects in Germany and in other countries that aim at equality and at creating an environment and support services for families that ensure the social inclusion of people with disabilities.

The focus of Aktion Mensch’s mission is independent living for people with disabilities and access to equal opportunities for children and youth.


The Liebenau Foundation enables people who need special support to achieve as much independence as possible and participate in social life.

The Liebenau Foundation works in the fields of education, family, health, housing/houses for different generations (so-called “Living Spaces” for the elderly, single people, couples, single parents or young families), care and inclusion . Social space/community-oriented institutions, services and activities are seen as strengthening self-help in a spirit of partnership. Thanks to its diverse range of services, the Liebenau Foundation creates an individual solution for each person.

The activities of the Liebenau Foundation are guided by Christian humanity, a high level of professionalism and sustainable economic efficiency.

The Liebenau Foundation was founded in 1870 and is an independent enterprise with social and educational goals that arose with a Christian motivation. With its institutions to support the elderly and the disabled, as well as in the fields of health care and education, the foundation operates in more than 80 locations in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Bulgaria. Currently, the Liebenau Foundation employs around 4,900 associates. They care for, accompany and support more than 10,000 people a year.

Liebenau Bulgaria” Ltd. In 2018, the “Libenau” Foundation established its subsidiary “Libenau Bulgaria” Ltd., through which the active participation of the Bulgarian social scene and contribution to the development of services with a different profile and capacity for their deployment in our country will be realized. Tasks of Liebenau Bulgaria:

– To create prerequisites for the development of innovative social services for disadvantaged children, youth and adults

– To identify new problem areas and seek solutions

– To develop new and upgrade existing social services

– To work to improve the quality of life of users of various social services

– To promote cooperation in the social and educational sphere.

In partnership with Liebenau Bulgaria, the trainings for the European Care Certificate (ECC) will be carried out, which are planned for relatives and assistants who care for children and youth with disabilities and special needs.


SA SA Social Association “St. Andrew”

Social Association Saint Andrew Bulgaria is a reliable partner of the “Our House” foundation,

On 14.12.1998, the Social Association was founded in Germany. In 1999, the Social Association was registered in Bulgaria, in the city of Varna.

The purpose of the Society, according to the statute, is: service and construction in a Christian spirit of social, health and educational institutions.

Strengthening the self-help opportunities of people in need of assistance, social and church integration of people in need of help; promoting and supporting interpersonal relations and taking appropriate measures to prevent problematic situations; education and further qualification of people supporting the unemployed or people disadvantaged in other ways, such as by disability, illness or old age and encouraging honorable public engagements.

SASA in Bulgaria has a permanent ongoing activity – children’s centers, social patronage, a club for elderly people, and also participates in a partnership in the implementation of projects related to improving the social inclusion of children and families from vulnerable groups, incl. Roma community, families with low social status, children and disabled people, elderly people, etc.

At the present moment, the SASA supports a wide range of children and families from vulnerable groups with projects and donations, including a partnership on the project for the “Our House” foundation.